Church of The Highlands Exposed: Pastor Chris Hodges Scandal

The Church of the Highlands, one of the largest and fastest-growing megachurches in the United States, has found itself at the center of controversy surrounding its founding pastor, Chris Hodges.

This scandal has sent shockwaves through the evangelical community and raised questions about leadership, accountability, and the role of social media in modern religious institutions.


The Rise of Church of the Highlands

Founded in 2001 by Chris Hodges, the Church of the Highlands has grown from a small congregation meeting in a high school auditorium to a multi-campus megachurch with over 60,000 weekly attendees.

Based in Birmingham, Alabama, the church has expanded its reach across the state and beyond, becoming one of the most influential religious organizations in the Southeast.

Pastor Chris Hodges: A Charismatic Leader

Chris Hodges, known for his dynamic preaching style and innovative approach to ministry, quickly became a prominent figure in the evangelical world. His leadership helped propel the Church of the Highlands to national recognition, with the church often cited as a model for growth and community engagement.

The Scandal Unfolds

Social Media Controversy

The controversy began in June 2020 when screenshots of Pastor Hodges’ social media activity surfaced online. These images showed that Hodges had liked several posts from conservative political commentators, including some that were perceived as racially insensitive and politically divisive.

Initial Reactions

As news of Hodges’ social media activity spread, it sparked immediate backlash from both within and outside the church community. Many expressed disappointment and concern that a leader of such influence would engage with content that could be seen as promoting racial stereotypes or political partisanship.

Church’s Response

The Church of the Highlands initially released a statement acknowledging the situation and expressing regret for any hurt caused by Hodges’ actions. Hodges himself addressed the congregation, apologizing for his lack of sensitivity and promising to do better in the future.

Wider Implications

Wider Implications

Loss of Partnerships

As a result of the controversy, the Church of the Highlands faced significant consequences. The Birmingham Board of Education voted to end its partnership with the church, which had been providing services in local high schools. Additionally, the Birmingham Housing Authority terminated its relationship with the church’s Christ Health Center clinics, which had been operating in public housing communities.

Divisions Within the Congregation

The scandal exposed deep-seated divisions within the church community. While many members stood by Hodges and the church leadership, others felt betrayed and called for more substantial changes. This rift highlighted broader tensions within evangelical Christianity regarding issues of race, politics, and social justice.

National Conversation on Church Leadership

The Hodges scandal sparked a broader national conversation about the role of church leaders in political and social issues. Many questioned whether pastors should remain neutral on such matters or if they have a responsibility to engage with contemporary issues affecting their congregations.

Attempts at Reconciliation

Public Apology and Commitments

In response to the growing criticism, Pastor Hodges issued a more comprehensive public apology. He acknowledged his mistakes, expressed a commitment to learning and growth, and outlined specific steps the church would take to address issues of racial equity and social justice.

Diversity Initiatives

The Church of the Highlands announced several initiatives aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion within its leadership and congregation. These included:

  • Establishing a diversity advisory board
  • Implementing mandatory cultural sensitivity training for all staff and volunteers
  • Increasing representation of people of color in leadership positions
  • Partnering with local organizations focused on racial reconciliation

Community Outreach

In an effort to rebuild trust with the wider community, the church expanded its outreach programs, focusing particularly on underserved areas and communities of color. This included:

  • Increasing funding for existing community service projects
  • Launching new initiatives addressing poverty and education in minority neighborhoods
  • Collaborating with local Black churches on joint programs and events

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Ongoing Challenges

Rebuilding Trust

Despite these efforts, the Church of the Highlands continues to face challenges in rebuilding trust, both within its congregation and the broader community. Many remain skeptical of the sincerity of the church’s commitments and question whether meaningful change will occur.

Leadership Scrutiny

The scandal has led to increased scrutiny of church leadership at all levels. Members and outside observers alike are calling for greater transparency and accountability in decision-making processes and personal conduct.

Balancing Growth and Integrity

As the church attempts to move forward, it faces the challenge of balancing its ambitious growth goals with the need to maintain integrity and stay true to its stated values. This tension reflects a broader struggle within many megachurches across the country.

Impact on the Evangelical Landscape

Precedent for Accountability

The Hodges scandal has set a precedent for how large evangelical churches might be held accountable for the actions of their leaders. It has demonstrated the power of public opinion and the importance of swift and meaningful responses to controversy.

Shift in Church-Community Relations

The incident has prompted many churches to reevaluate their relationships with local communities and government entities. There is a growing recognition of the need for churches to be more intentional about their impact beyond their immediate congregation.

Changing Expectations for Pastor

The scandal has highlighted changing expectations for pastors in the digital age. Church leaders are now more aware of the scrutiny they face, not just for their public actions but also for their social media presence and private views.

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Lessons Learned

The Power of Social Media

The Hodges scandal underscores the significant impact social media can have on public figures, including religious leaders. It serves as a cautionary tale about the need for thoughtfulness and discretion in online interactions.

Importance of Diverse Perspectives

The controversy has highlighted the crucial importance of diverse perspectives within church leadership. Many argue that a more diverse leadership team might have helped prevent the initial missteps and provided a more nuanced response to the crisis.

Need for Continuous Education

The incident has emphasized the ongoing need for education and growth, even for established leaders. Many churches are now implementing regular training programs on cultural sensitivity, unconscious bias, and social issues.


What exactly did Pastor Chris Hodges do?

Pastor Chris Hodges was found to have liked several social media posts from conservative political commentators that were perceived as racially insensitive and politically divisive. While he did not create the content himself, his engagement with these posts sparked controversy and raised questions about his views on race and politics.

How did the Church of the Highlands respond to the scandal?

The church initially released a statement acknowledging the situation and expressing regret. Pastor Hodges addressed the congregation and apologized for his actions. Subsequently, the church announced several initiatives aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion, including establishing a diversity advisory board and implementing cultural sensitivity training.

What were the immediate consequences of the scandal?

The Birmingham Board of Education ended its partnership with the church, which had been providing services in local high schools. The Birmingham Housing Authority also terminated its relationship with the church’s Christ Health Center clinics operating in public housing communities. Additionally, the church faced internal divisions and public backlash.

Has Pastor Chris Hodges stepped down from his position?

As of the last available information, Pastor Chris Hodges has not stepped down from his position as the lead pastor of the Church of the Highlands. He remains in leadership, working to implement changes and rebuild trust within the church and community.

How has this scandal affected other megachurches?

The Hodges scandal has prompted many other megachurches to reevaluate their policies and practices, particularly regarding social media use by leadership and approaches to diversity and inclusion. It has also sparked broader conversations about accountability and transparency in church leadership across the evangelical landscape.


The scandal surrounding Pastor Chris Hodges and the Church of the Highlands serves as a stark reminder of the challenges facing modern religious institutions. It highlights the delicate balance between personal beliefs and public responsibilities, the power of social media to shape perceptions, and the ongoing struggle for racial equity and social justice within evangelical Christianity.

As the Church of the Highlands continues its efforts to rebuild trust and implement meaningful change, its journey will likely be watched closely by religious leaders and congregations across the country. The ultimate impact of this scandal may well be determined not just by the immediate response, but by the long-term commitment to growth, diversity, and community engagement demonstrated by Hodges and the church leadership in the years to come.

This controversy has opened up important conversations about the role of the church in society, the responsibilities of religious leaders, and the expectations placed upon them by their congregations and the wider community. As churches navigate an increasingly complex and polarized social landscape, the lessons learned from the Hodges scandal may prove invaluable in shaping a more inclusive, accountable, and socially conscious form of evangelical Christianity for the future.

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